Limited Offer
(new users only)
No upfront cost -pay only at end of season after you are successful using SNX30
By now you've read about the SNX30 fertilizer supplement and how it can increase your yield and profit and wondering if it really works. The reason farmers use SNX30 is, in fact, it really works! SNX30 can sound too good to be true and we will admit that.
Years ago after our first trials when we saw what it could do, we found it hard to believe ourselves. However, SNX30 absolutely works as described and we back that up with our NO COST OR RISK offer plus our double guarantee. But, our Limited Offer for new users is even better since you pay at end of season after you profit.
There is no way we could afford to make these offers if SNX30 didn't work -- and because we know you'll begin using SNX30 as a regular part of your crop management plan too. Requires minimum 2% soil organic matter.
SNX30 photocopy corn
Step 1: Email your name and mailing address to to receive SNX30 without cost. You can also text 941-284-7231 with your info.
You will receive enough SNX30 (drops method) to treat about 120 acres if you use 10 gallons per acre of tank mix, or 90 acres if you use 15 gallons of tank mix, or 60 acres if you use 20 gallons (anytime during the season). SNX30 does not harm your crops in any way.
Step 2: After your crop is harvested, calculate your ROI and yield with SNX30 based on $4 corn or similar comparison for other crops. If your ROI is 15:1 or greater and/or you get your best yield from your test field, then mail a check for $168 to SmartNute, 2724 Temple St., Sarasota FL USA 34239.
At 120 acres, with 10 gallons per acre of tank mix, your cost is $1.40 per acre.
Step 3: If you need to treat more than 120 acres or use more than 10 gallons of tank mix, you can order a greater amount now. Go here and select the number of gallons/acres you want to treat and then place your order by check.
SNX30 can ship within 1 business day when you notify us of your order by email or text with intent to mail your check. Please include your check number. Shipping included in price.
You still get our 100% money back guarantee if you are not happy with your results and ease of application.
Limit 1 (one) no upfront cost offer per farm household for new users only.